The green getaway - La coupure Verte

Circuit n° 1
- Type of Excursion :
The Green Cut - Coupure Verte
Come and stroll in the green cut, a sensitive natural area that will make you discover local products, horses, donkeys, sheeps, flowering fallow... A natural wealth to discover, a bit of greenery close to the beaches, a good idea of walks, on foot of by bike.
This tracks are dirt roads named for exemple Chemin de la Meunière, Chemin de la Lande, Chemin du Pré Sucré, Chemin du Loc...
You can take them by bike, or just walk. It's not a loop but just tips to stroll in the green cut. You can also find thoses tracks on the citymap. It represents almost 15 km. You can choose to do a loop by coming back by the coast, what do you think?
We suggest you to stroll in the Coupure Verte during spring and summer beacause of the dirt on the tracks during winter time.
The Green Cut - Coupure Verte
What is a "Green Cut"?
As the name suggests, it is a space cut off from all urbanization. This is indeed the case with Coupure Verte in Batz-sur-Mer.
It is a green space which maintains a green, natural separation between two urbanization zones.
The Coupure Verte helps maintain the rural character of a municipality and guarantees Batziens, Baztiennes, a green space.
The Coupure Verte in Batz-sur-Mer represents 150 hectares. Enough to spend time in nature: between dirt roads, low walls, archaeological remains... but also allow local productions to develop on "green" land.
Green clippings therefore have several roles: ecological, landscaped and recreational.
You will find on this itinerary, the paths of the "Coupure Verte", Green Cut. It's not a loop but just a sort of directory with all the paths you can find in this natural area, not far from the ocean !