La p'tite ferme de Mélie

La P'tite Ferme de Mélie - Batz-sur-MerBalade dans les marais salants au départ de Batz sur Mer - La P'tite Ferme de MélieBalade dans les marais salants au départ de Batz sur Mer - La P'tite Ferme de MélieApéro-ambulant au départ de Batz sur Mer - La P'tite Ferme de MélieSavons - La P'tite Ferme de MélieÂnes - La P'tite Ferme de Mélie


Donkey breeders, soap makers and salt workers, we invite you to discover our universe through various activities.

- Salt marshes and salt marsh villages by horse-drawn carriage:
One hour commented walk to the rhythm of draft horses.
On reservation
Capacity: 13 people
Departure: Route de Trégaté (D744) - Kervalet - 44740 Batz sur Mer
Period: contact us

- Donkey ride:
Rent a donkey on a 15-minute route around our mini-farm.
On reservation
Reserved for children from 3 to 12 years old
Walk in hand carried out by the accompanying adult and under his full responsibility
Period: contact us

- Open farm:
In one go, we will introduce you to our young ladies with long ears and we will explain to you how our soaps are made.

- Direct sale :
Donkey milk soaps

  • Visit/Heritage :
    • Marsh/wetland
    • Company visit / Industrial site
  • Kind of visits :
    • Guided visit
    • Booking compulsory
Equipment & Services
  • On Site Services :
    • Free parking
La p'tite ferme de Mélie
Route de Roffiat
mail / message
Phone : +33 6 74 66 59 74
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